class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # GR Volunteer Corn Control with mixture of Clethodim and Dicamba ### Vitor M. Anunciato ### 2020-11-19 --- class:center, hide-logo
**Interactions of Clethodim and Dicamba on Glyphosate-resistant Volunteer Corn Control** [Vitor Muller Anunciato](, Gabrielle de Castro Macedo, Daniel Araujo Doretto, Jeff A. Golus, Caio A. Carbonari, Greg R. Kruger <div align="center"> <img src="" width=700 height= 350> <div align="left"> <img src="" width=100 height= 100> --- ## Introduction + **Glyphosate Resistant Volunteer Corn** (GRVC) is a common weed in soybean fields [(Tao B. et al. 2007)]( + Can reduce soybean yield through competition, cause problems with harvest, host insects and diseases, and contaminate soybean seeds at the harvest. [(Marquardt, P. T., & Johnson, W. G. 2013)]( + **Clethodim** (WSSA Group 1) used in grass control in postemergence applications. However, **antagonistic interactions** have been reported when applied in **tank-mixtures with synthetic auxins** (WSSA Group 4). [(Blackshaw et al. 2006](; [Harre et al. 2020).]( + Clethodim and dicamba mixture are utilized to **increase the spectrum of weeds control**. [(Underwood, M. G. et al. 2016).]( --- ## Objectives + To evaluate the effects of clethodim and dicamba tank-mixture on GRVC control at different heights, with and without the use of non-ionic surfactant (NIS). ## Hyphotesis + Non-ionic surfactant (NIS) will increase the control of GRVC when treated with the mixture of clethodim and dicamba. + As the plant height increase will decrease the control of GRVC when treated with the mixture of clethodim and dicamba. --- ## Study desing + Field planted at **Dryland Farm**, North Platte - NE, University of Nebraska-Lincoln/WCREEC, in **2019** and **2020**. + 62,500 seeds/ha (25,000 seeds/acre). + Plants heights: **30 cm** (12 in), **60 cm** (24 in) and **90 cm** (72 in). + Those fields study was conducted in **randomized complete block design** in a factorial treatment arrangement with 4 replications and 2 experimental runs. + Split in plots with 3 x 10 m (10 x 30 ft each). --- ### Materials and Methods + The treatments was applied with **backpack CO<sub>2</sub> sprayer** with 6 nozzles + **TTI 11002**. 140 L/ha (15 GPA), 276 KPa (40 psi), 1.74 m/s (3.9 mph). <div align="center"> <img src="" width=600 height= 400> --- ### Treatments <div align="center"> <img src="" width=800 height= 400> --- ## Statistical analysis + Biomass data were subjected to **ANOVA test** and means were separated using **Fisher’s LSD test** with **post-hoc Tukey test at α = 0.05**. + **Colby’s Equation** was used to determine the type of interaction occurred [Colby, S. R. (1967)]( And the difference between the estimated and obseverd control values was compared by **studentized t test α = 0.1**. <div align="center"> ```math E = (X+Y) - (X*Y)/100 ``` <div align="left"> + **X** and **Y** are the effects of the **herbicides applied alone** (expressed as percent‐of‐control). + The **Observed control** for the herbicide mixture is then compared to the **E = expected control**. + <u>**If p value > 0.1**</u> + Obs **greater** Exp = SYNERGISM + Obs **less** Exp = ANTAGONISTIC + <u>**If p value ≥ 0.1**</u> + ADDITIVE --- ### First field trial no NIS - 2019 <div align="center"> <img src="" width=1200 height= 500> --- ### Second field trial no NIS - 2020 <div align="center"> <img src="" width=1200 height= 500> --- ### First field trial with NIS - 2019 <div align="center"> <img src="" width=1200 height= 500> --- ### Second field trial with NIS - 2020 <div align="center"> <img src="" width=1200 height= 500> --- ### Preceptation + Systemic herbicides as clethodim and dicamba are highly affected by the climate, the difference of precipitation between the field studies conduction could be derived from the difference of precipitation.[(Adkins, S. W. et al 1998](; [Zhou, J. et al 2007)]( <div align="left"> <img src="" width=750 height= 450> --- ### Discussion + If the **control** of GRVC is realized **earlier** it has the best response hitting 80% in the lowest dose and **96% in the highest dose (136 g ai/ha)** when the **plants are sprayed with 30cm** of height. On the other hand, when the **plants had 90 cm the maximum control achieved was 58%**. Those results agree with [Costa et al 2014]( they highlighted the importance of completing the management in the transgenic volunteer corn plant development early stages. --- ### 30 cm <div align="center"> <img src="" width=1200 height= 400> --- ### 60 cm <div align="center"> <img src="" width=1200 height= 400> --- ### 90 cm <div align="center"> <img src="" width=1200 height= 400> --- ### Example - plants 60 cm 28DAT. <div align="left"> <img src="" width=716 height= 500> --- ### Example - plants 60 cm 28DAT. <div align="left"> <img src="" width=716 height= 500> --- ### Example - plants 60 cm 28DAT. <div align="left"> <img src="" width=716 height= 500> --- ### Example - plants 60 cm 28DAT. <div align="left"> <img src="" width=716 height= 500> --- ## Conclusion + The mixture tends to be antagonistic independent of the presence or absence of the NIS. + The antagonistic effect is the predominant interaction, independent of the tested dose of clethodim it cants present a different interaction with dicamba. But even with the antagonic effect the mixture of 136 g ai/ha of clethodim with 560 g ae/ha of dicamba presents satisfactory control ±85% when the plants are treated at 30 cm + Results showed that cutting the rate of clethodim is not a good strategy for management of GRVC and timeliness is critical for the success of this tool in the field, because GRVC is not a conventional weed. --- ## Future studies Looking forward **if other adjuvants or other technologies** can overcome the antagonistic effect in the grasses control with clethodim in the **tank-mixture** with dicamba and therefore improve GRVC control on dicamba-tolerant soybean fields. --- ## Take-Away The best results for controlling GR volunteer corn are obtained in plants up to 30 cm high, and if a tank mix with dicamba is used, the highest dose of clethodim should be used to compensate for the antagonistic effect. <div align="right"> #Thank you --- ## References + Tao, B., Zhou, J., Messersmith, C. G., & Nalewaja, J. D. (2007). Efficacy of glyphosate plus bentazon or quizalofop on glyphosate-resistant canola or corn. Weed Technology, 21(1), 97-101. + Marquardt, P. T., & Johnson, W. G. (2013). Influence of clethodim application timing on control of volunteer corn in soybean. Weed Technology, 27(4), 645-648. + Blackshaw, R. E., Harker, K. N., Clayton, G. W., & O'Donovan, J. T. (2006). Broadleaf herbicide effects on clethodim and quizalofop-P efficacy on volunteer wheat (Triticum aestivum). Weed technology, 20(1), 221-226. + Underwood, M. G., Soltani, N., Hooker, D. C., Robinson, D. E., Vink, J. P., Swanton, C. J., & Sikkema, P. H. (2016). The addition of dicamba to POST applications of quizalofop-p-ethyl or clethodim antagonizes volunteer glyphosate-resistant corn control in dicamba-resistant soybean. Weed Technology, 639-647. + Harre, N. T., Young, J. M., & Young, B. G. (2020). Influence of 2, 4-D, dicamba, and glyphosate on clethodim efficacy of volunteer glyphosate-resistant corn. Weed Technology, 34(3), 394-401. --- ## References + Colby, S. R. (1967). Calculating synergistic and antagonistic responses of herbicide combinations. Weeds, 15(1), 20-22. + Adkins, S. W., Tanpipat, S., Swarbrick, J. T., & Boersma, M. (1998). Influence of environmental factors on glyphosate efficacy when applied to Avena fatua or Urochloa panicoides. Weed Research (Oxford), 38(2), 129-138. + Zhou, J., Tao, B., Messersmith, C. G., & Nalewaja, J. D. (2007). Glyphosate efficacy on velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti) is affected by stress. Weed science, 55(3), 240-244. + Costa, N. V., Zobiole, L. H. S., Scariot, C. A., Pereira, G. R., & Moratelli, G. (2014). Glyphosate tolerant volunteer corn control at two development stages. Planta Daninha, 32(4), 675-682.